Wednesday 18 February 2009


As I woke up today amidst the regular hustle bustle of the other girs in my hostel corridor, I heard the chirping of the birds. Not very unusual in this part of the world. But today, I really heard them. Feeling quite nice hearing such soothing sound, I went out of my room to be welcomed by early morning sunshine warming the corridor. Well, I had to smile at this!!

Sometimes I wonder how beautiful and lovely it is to be woken up right in the lap of nature. The day definitely goes better after such a wonderful start. The way I heard the birds chirping, noticed the sunshine on the corridor made me think again if it happens everyday! And the truth is yes it does. But I never notice. I realised that even though I stay in a surrounding filled with greenery, trees, hills, I heardly notice it.

Isn’t it what has become of all of us? Havnt we stopped noticing the beautiful wold around us? Arnt we too busy making “our world” beautiful? Well a simple answer to all of them, yes we have. We all know global warning has spread its wings in our world, forests are vanishing, rivers are becoming streams, sun is scorching too hardly on us, ice is melting, glaciers are cracking, everything bad for us is happening, but we ar not doing anything.

It is true that we may not make much of a difference individually, but I am sure if we all try things will change. I guess, like I did today, we need to take notice of our surrounding first of all and then everything can happen. Observing a 5th June World Environment Day does not make much of a difference. Everyday should be Environment Day.

As I write this today, I think I should also make it a point to contribute ant little way I can to restore our environment.